Your HVAC Professional Installer will install TrueSTEAM in a proper location in your home. The best location
depends on your furnace type and configuration, and how your living space is arranged around the furnace
ducts. Your TrueSTEAM will be either duct mounted or remote mounted.
Duct mounting. TrueSTEAM is installed directly onto
the supply (hot) air duct of your furnace. The steam
nozzle sends steam directly from TrueSTEAM into the
duct for distribution through your home.
Remote mounting. TrueSTEAM is installed some
distance away from your furnace supply duct. An
insulated hose carries steam from TrueSTEAM to a
suitable location on the supply duct.
Remote mounting is usually done when a suitable
mounting location can not be found on your
furnace duct.
How is my TrueSTEAM installed?
TrueSTEAM Humidification System 69-2286EFS—03