Standard composition
Check when unpacking.
Camera, HV-D27A or HV-D37A
Camera cable 3m(10ft: C-301KAJ) or 10m(33ft: C-102KAJ)
Or 20m(66ft: C-202KAJ)
Power plug, R03-P3F (JPR0034*)
Operation Manual
* Part code
The HV-D27A and HV-D37A from Hitachi are
separate head and control unit type 3 CCD color
cameras respectively incorporating 1/2-inch and
1/3-inch 410,000 (470,000 in the PAL version) pixel
CCD image sensors. The circuit from processor to
encoder is digitized and contained on a single chip
to deliver top level picture quality and stability.
Hitachi's extensive experience in broadcast and
industrial color cameras has lead to an exclusive
14-bit digital processing technology that provides a
host of important functions in a newly developed
LSI device. The high quality signal processing
and image compensating functions were
unattainable in earlier analog cameras. The
versatile C mount also allows use with a broad
range of optical systems and opens up applications
in a wide variety of fields.