Prepare - 28 FM5 Operator’s Manual
Gather Information
Gather Information
A successful job begins before the excavation. The first step in planning is reviewing information already
available about the job and jobsite.
Arrange for Traffic Control
If working near a road or other traffic area, contact local authorities about safety procedures and
Prepare for Working Near Existing Utilities
If jobsite may contain electrical lines, wear protective boots and gloves meeting the following standards:
• Boots must have high tops and meet the electric hazard protection requirements of ANSI Z-41, 1991,
when tested at 14,000 volts. Tuck legs of pants completely inside boots.
• Gloves must have 17,000 AC maximum use voltage, according to ASTM specification D120-87.
If working around higher voltage, use gloves and boots with appropriately higher ratings.
Plan for Emergency Services
Have the telephone numbers for local emergency and medical facilities on hand. Check that you will have
access to a telephone.
Inspect Jobsite
• Follow U.S. Department of Labor regulations on excavating and trenching (Part 1926, Subpart P) and
other similar regulations.
• Contact One-Call (888-258-0808) and any utility companies which do not subscribe to One-Call.
• Inspect jobsite and perimeter for evidence of underground hazards, such as:
– “Buried utility” notices
– Utility facilities without overhead lines
– Gas or water meters
– Junction boxes
– Drop boxes
– Light poles
– Manhole covers
– Sunken ground
• Mark location of all buried utilities and obstructions.