Example of heating + storage connection
Recommended for applications requiring a high peak flow.
Example of series connection
Preferable for high temperature applications with up to three units.
Example of parallel connection
Recommended for applications with a high continuous flow.
As a safety measure against scalding, we
strongly recommend installing a thermostatic
mixing valve.
Pressure reducing valve
If the mains water pressure is greater than 6 bar, a pressure reducing
valve must be fitted.
Expansion relief valve
The tank expansion relief valve must be ACV approved and
calibrated to a maximum of 7 bar. The valve discharge must be
connected to the drain.
Hot water expansion vessel
A hot water expansion vessel must be installed.
Hot water circulation
If the tank is situated a long way from the point of use, then
installing a recirculation loop can provide a faster supply of hot water
to the outlets.
Temperature and pressure relief valve
If using the HeatMaster as an unvented hot water unit, in some coun-
tries, a temperature and pressure relief valve must be
fitted - consult your ACV stockist for assistance.
Example of hot water connection with thermostatic mixer
1. Stop cock
2. Non-return valve
3. Pressure reducing valve
4. Expansion relief valve
5. Hot water expansion vessel
6. Hot water secondary pump (it fitted)
7. Thermostatic mixing valve
8. Drawoff tap
9. Drain cock
10.Stop cock for cleaning
11.Temperature relief valve