Heatilator • CD4236IR-C, CD4842IR-C • 2207-900 Rev. J • 11/1158
Troubleshooting (continued)
Symptom Possible Cause Corrective Action
4. Pilot lights but contin-
ues to spark, and main
burner will not ignite.
(If the pilot continues
to spark after the
pilot fl ame has been lit,
fl ame rectifi cation has
not occurred.)
A. A shorted or loose connection in fl ame
sensing rod.
Verify all connections to wiring diagram in manual. Verify
connections underneath pilot assembly are tight. Verify
fl ame sense or igniter wires are not grounding out to metal
chassis, pilot burner, pilot enclosure or screen if present, or
any other metal object.
B. Poor fl ame rectifi cation or contaminated
fl ame sensing rod.
With fi xed glass assembly in place, verify that fl ame is en-
gulfi ng fl ame sensing rod on left side of pilot hood. Flame
sensing rod
should glow shortly after ignition. With a multi-
meter, verify that current in series between module and
sense lead is at least 0.14 microamps. Verify correct pilot
orifi ce is installed and gas inlet is set to pressure specifi -
cations. Polish fl ame sensing rod with fi ne steel wool to
remove any contaminants that may have accumulated on
fl ame sensing rod.
C. Module is not grounded. Verify module is securely grounded to metal chassis of ap-
pliance. Verify that wire harness is fi rmly connected to the
D. Damaged pilot assembly or contami-
nated fl ame sensing rod.
Verify that ceramic insulator around the fl ame sensing rod
is not cracked, damaged, or loose. Verify connection from
fl ame sensing rod to white sensor wire. Polish fl ame sens-
ing rod with fi ne steel wool to remove any contaminants that
may have accumulated on fl ame sensing rod. Verify conti-
nuity with a multi-meter with ohms set at lowest range. Re-
place pilot if any damage is detected.
E. Module. Turn ON/OFF rocker switch or wall switch to OFF position.
Remove ignitor wire “I” from module. Place ON/OFF rocker
switch or wall switch in ON position. If there is no spark at “I”
terminal module must be replaced. If there is a spark at “I”
terminal, module is fi ne.