Reconnect the Lower to the Driver
1. Ensure that th
e air fitting (17) is removed and
set aside.
2. Screw the jam n
ut (105) and connector (104)
onto the pump c
ylinder (1), all the way to the
bottom of the
3. Align the hol
es in the connector (104) with the
ports in the t
hroat cartridge (4).
4. Torque the j
am nut (105) to 65–75 ft-lb (88–101
5. Reinstall t
he TSL inlet fitting (17) in the open port.
6. Place the o
7. Align the h
oles in the motor shaft and piston rod.
Install th
8. Slide the o
-ring (106) up off the piston rod and
into the g
roove on the motor shaft, covering the
9. Screw the
connecting nut (207) onto the
r (104). Torque to 45–55 ft-lb (61–74
10. Reinsta
ll the pump on the proportioner, as
ed in your proportioner manual.
Figure 16 Reconnect the Lower to the Driver
Figure 17 Orient the Lower to the Driver
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