First Alert DC10-500 Carbon Monoxide Alarm User Manual

Weekly Testing
CAUTION: It is important to test this unit every week to make sure it is working properly.
Using the test button is the recommended way to test this Smoke/CO Alarm.
WARNING: DO NOT stand close to the Alarm when the horn is sounding. Exposure at close
range may be harmful to your hearing. When testing, step away when horn starts sounding.
WARNING: NEVER use an open flame of any kind to test this unit. You might
accidentally damage or set fire to the unit or to your home. NEVER use vehicle exhaust!
Exhaust may cause permanent damage and voids your warranty.
You can test this Smoke/CO Alarm by pressing and holding the Test/Silence button on the Alarm cover until Alarm
Voice says “Testing” (typically 3-5 seconds).
During testing, you will see and hear the following sequence:
The Alarm Voice will say “Testing Alarms... The Alarm will sound and for your protection is very loud.
This may
take a few seconds
”. The LED chases Blue. The Alarm Voice will say “Testing Smoke”. The Horn will sound 3
beeps. The LED chases and flashes Red. The Alarm Voice will say “Testing Carbon Monoxide”. The Horn will
sound 4 beeps. The LED chases and flashes Red.
Next The Alarm Voice will say “Evacuate, Evacuate, there’s a Fire in the [Location, example: “Kitchen”]”. The
LED chases Red. The Alarm Voice will say “Highest carbon monoxide level was 0 PPM”. The LED chases Blue.
The Alarm Voice will then say “The testing is complete. The test is done and you are protected”. The LED
glows Green.
If the unit does not alarm, make sure it has been activated correctly, and test again. If the unit still does not alarm,
replace it immediately.
Regular Maintenance
This unit has been designed to be as maintenance-free as possible, but there are a few simple things you must do to
keep it working properly:
Test it at least once a week.
Clean the Smoke/CO Alarm at least once a month; gently vacuum the outside of the Smoke/CO Alarm using
your household vacuum’s soft brush attachment. A can of clean compressed air (sold at computer or office
supply stores) may also be used. Follow manufacturer instructions for use. Test the Smoke/CO Alarm. Never
use water, cleaners or solvents since they may damage the unit.
If the Smoke/CO Alarm becomes contaminated by excessive dirt, dust and/or grime, and cannot be cleaned
to avoid unwanted alarms, replace the unit immediately.
Relocate the unit if it sounds frequent unwanted alarms. See “Where This Alarm Should Not Be Installed” for details.
IMPORTANT: Actual battery service life depends on the Smoke/CO Alarm and the environment
in which it is installed. Regardless of the manufacturer’s suggested battery life, you MUST replace
the Alarm immediately once the unit starts “chirping” (the “low battery warning”).