Enerco ERXL-60 Gas Heater User Manual

Operating Instructions and Owner’s ManualEnerco | enerRadiant® XL Series Heater
FIGURE 5: Typical Suspension Details
Chain kit - Stk. #17370
One chain kit will suspend one 10 ft. section of tube and one 10 ft.
section of reector.
FIGURE 6: Tube and Reflector Hanger
FIGURE 7: Mounting Flange / Tube Detail
1) Insert tube 06413 into front casting to point (A).
2) Tighter set screws marked (B) until snug.
3) After both set screws are snug, turn each
additional 1/4 turn to secure tube in place.
FIGURE 8: Burner Box / Transition Tube Detail
Wood Beam
Screw Hook
min. 3/8" (10 mm)
Beam Clamp
As Req'd
Bar Joist Clip
Concrete Beam
a n g l e m o u nt i n g r i n g
r a di a n t t u b e
h o r i zo n t al m o u nt i n g r i n g
h a n g er
re f lec to r
Mounting Flange
Cap Screw
Stk. 398012
Split Lock Washer
Stk. #98527
Stk. #12397
Burner Box
(ame observation
window facing down)
t o p
s i de
b e lo w
h o r i zo n t al r e fl e cto r p o s i t i o n (s ta n da r d)
45° ref l ector p o s i t io n (o p t i o n a l )