Desa RCLP50A Electric Heater User Manual

Figure 9 - Removing or Attaching
Fan Guard from Motor
Figure 8 - Removing or Attaching
Fan from Motor Shaft
Figure 7 - Removing Motor and Fan Guard from Heater
Ground Screw
Wire Guard
Underside of Heater Base
Figure 6 - Location of Ground Screw and Wire Guard
Terminal Board
1. Access ground screw
through underside of heater
base. Remove ground
screw. Disconnect the green
motor wire and the green
power cord wire from
underside of shell (see
Figure 6).
2. Remove blue, white, and
black motor wires from
terminal board (see Figure 6).
3. Remove two wire guard
screws. Remove wire guard.
4. Set heater on its base.
Remove three screws that
attach fan guard to heater
shell (see Figure 7).
5. Remove motor and fan
guard from heater shell.
Carefully pull the motor
wires from hole in shell
(see Figure 7).
6. Use (1/8") Hex wrench to
loosen setscrews which
hold fan to motor shaft
(see Figure 8).
7. Remove fan. Be careful not
to damage the fan blade
8. Use nut driver to remove
three nuts that attach fan
guard to motor. Remove fan
guard from motor (see Fig-
ure 9).
9. Discard old motor.
10. Attach fan guard to new
motor with three nuts.
Tighten nuts firmly.
11. Place fan onto motor shaft
of new motor.
When plac-
ing fan onto motor shaft,
make sure fan hub in posi-
tioned away from motor
body (see Figure 8). Make
sure setscrews are touching
back of flat surfaces on
motor shaft. Tighten set-
Never service heater while it is plugged in, connected to
propane supply, operating, or hot. Severe burns and elec-
trical shock can occur.
Wire Guard Screws
Hole in Shell
for Wires
Fan Guard Screw
Fan Guard
Motor Wires
Fan Hub