Delta 35 Gas Heater User Manual

Product & Safety Information
Maximum working pressure for inner
(domestic water) tank is 150 psig.
Maximum working pressure for outer
(primary water) tank is 45 psig.
Inner tank has factory installed
Temperature & Pressure Relief Valve
with an AGA rating of 100,000 Btu/hr
for PG-25 and 200,000 Btu/hr for PG-
Outer tank has a factory installed 30
psig relief valve rated at 535,000
Electrical rating:120 V, 60 Hz, less
than 12 amperes
pH & chloride limits for the PER-
- Chloride, less than 80 mg/l.
- pH, 6.0 - 8.0.
Any water conditioning system must be
installed and maintained in accordance
with manufacturer’s specifications.
180º Maximum operating temperature
- primary side.
120º Maximum outlet/mixed tempera-
ture - domestic side.
Single wall heat exchanger in the PERFOR-
MANCE PLUS complies with National
Standard Plumbing Code, provided that:
- Outer tank water (including additives)
is practically non-toxic, having toxici-
ty rating or Class of 1, as listed in
Clinical Toxicology of Commercial
- Outer tank pressure is limited to max-
imum 30 psig by approved relief
Single wall heat exchangers are permitted
under the Uniform Plumbing code - Paragraph
L3.2. if they satisfy all of the following
r e q u i r e m e n t s .
1 . The heat transfer medium is potable
water or contains only substances
which are recognized as safe by the
U.S. Food and Drug A d m i n i s t r a t i o n .
2 . The pressure of the heat transfer medium
is maintained less than the normal mini-
mum operating pressure of the potable
water system
3 . The equipment is permanently labeled
to indicate that only additives recog-
nized as safe by the FDA shall be used
in the heat transfer medium.
O r, per Uniform Plumbing Code paragraph
L3.3 as follows:
Other heat exchanger designs may be permitted
where approved by the Administrative A u t h o r i t y.