Carrier TP-NHP Thermostat User Manual

HP model defaults to HP.
AC model defaults to AC.
Option 02 — Clean Filter Timer
Select hours of blower operation (heating, cooling, or fan) before CHECK
FILTER icon is displayed. With OF selected, icon will never come on, disabling
this feature. Time selection can range from 800 to 7200 hr by selecting numbers
1 through 9. (Time is 800 X number selected.) Default is 4 (3200 hr).
Recommended selections are disposable filter800 to 2400 hr, media filter2400
to 3200 hr, or electronic air cleaner1600 to 2400 hr of blower operation. For
higher efficiency filter, please consult filter’s Installation Instruction for details.
Option 03 — Fahrenheit/Centigrade
Select between Fahrenheit (F) and Centigrade (C) operation. Factory default is
Fahrenheit (F).
Option 04 — Fan (G) On With W/W1
This selection determines whether fan (G) output is to be On or OFF when any
W/W1 (furnace or strip heat) output is On. Most furnaces and fan coils manage
their own blowers and do not require separate G signal. For these applications,
select OFF. Some auxiliary heaters require separate G signal to turn on blower. In
this case, select On.
Default is OF (off).
Option 05 — Room Air Temperature Sensing (programmable models only)
The remote room sensor may be installed as a single sensor or multiple sensors
may be installed for further averaging functionality. See Fig. 16