SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS ........................1
General .........................................1
RECEIVING AND INSTALLATION .................10-22
I. Step 1 — Check Equipment .................10
II. Step 2 — Provide Unit Support ..............10
III. Step 3 — Field Fabricate Ductwork ...........10
IV. Step 4 — Provide Clearances ................10
V. Step 5 — Rig and Place Unit ................10
VI. Step 6 — Connect Condensate Drain .........13
VII. Step 7 — Install Flue Hood ..................13
VIII. Step 8 — Install Gas Piping .................13
IX. Step 9 — Install Duct Connections ...........16
X. Step 10 — Install Electrical Connections ......18
PRE-START-UP ................................22,23
START-UP ....................................23-44
I. Check for Refrigerant Leaks .................23
II. Start Up Heating Section and
Make Adjustments .........................23
III. Start Up Cooling Section and
Make Adjustments .........................26
MAINTENANCE ................................44-47
I. Air Filter ..................................45
II. Unit Top Removal ..........................45
III. Evaporator Blower and Motor ................45
IV. Flue Gas Passageways .....................45
V. Combustion-Air Blower .....................46
VI. Limit Switch ..............................46
VII. Burner Ignition ............................46
VIII. Main Burners .............................46
IX. Condenser Coil, Evaporator Coil, and
Condensate Drain Pan ......................47
X. Condenser Fan ............................47
XI. Electrical Controls and Wiring ...............47
XII. Refrigerant Circuit .........................47
XIII. Gas Input .................................47
XIV. Evaporator Airflow .........................47
XV. Metering Device — Acutrol™ Device ..........47
XVI. Liquid Line Strainer ........................47
TROUBLESHOOTING ...........................48-50
START-UP CHECKLIST ..........................CL-1
NOTE TO INSTALLER — Before the installation, READ
Also, make sure the User’s Manual and Replacement Guide
are left with the unit after installation. This unit is NOT to
be used for temporary heating of buildings or structures un-
der construction.
Installation and servicing of air-conditioning equipment can
be hazardous due to system pressure and electrical compo-
nents. Only trained and qualified personnel should install,
repair, or service air-conditioning equipment.
Untrained personnel can perform basic maintenance func-
tions of cleaning coils and filters. All other operations should
be performed by trained service personnel. When working on
air-conditioning equipment, observe precautions in the lit-
erature, tags and labels attached to the unit, and other safety
precautions that may apply.
Follow all safety codes. Wear safety glasses and work gloves.
Use quenching cloth for unbrazing operations. Have fire ex-
tinguisher available for all brazing operations.
Improper installation, adjustment, alter-
ation, service, maintenance, or usecan cause carbon mon-
oxide poisoning, fire, or an explosion which can result
in personal injury or unit damage. Consult a qualified
installer, service agency, or gas supplier for informa-
tion or assistance. The qualified installer or agency must
use only factory-authorized kits oraccessories when modi-
fying this product.
Before performing service or mainte-
nance operations on unit, turn off gas supply then unit
main power switch. Electrical shock could cause per-
sonal injury.
The 588A, 589Aunits (seeFig. 1)are fullyself-contained, com-
bination Category I gas heating/electric cooling units de-
signed for outdoor installation. See Fig. 2-9 (pages 2-9) for
unit dimensions. All unit sizes have discharge openings for
both horizontal and downflow configurations, and are factory
shipped with all 4 duct openings covered. Units may be in-
stalled either on a rooftop or a ground-level cement slab. See
Fig. 10 for roof curb dimensions.
Fig. 1 — Unit 589A Shown With Optional Base Rail
installation, start-up
and service instructions
Sizes 018-060
Sizes 024-060
Cancels: II 588A-18-8 II 588A-18-9