Table11—FanPerformance 580F036 — Vertical Discharge Units, Alternate Motor (Belt Drive)*
*Motor drive range: 685 to 1045 rpm. All other rpms require a field-
supplied drive.
1. Boldface indicates field-supplied drive is required.
2. Maximum continuous bhp is 1.20.
3. See page 36 for general fan performance notes.
Table12—FanPerformance 580F036 — Vertical Discharge Units, High-Static Motor (Belt Drive)*
*Motor drive range: 1075 to 1455 rpm. All other rpms require a field-supplied
1. Boldface indicates field-supplied drive is required.
2. Maximum continuous bhp is 2.40.
3. Seee page 36 for general fan performance notes.
Table13—FanPerformance 580F048 — Vertical Discharge Units, Standard Motor
LEGEND See page 36 for general fan performance notes.
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm BhpWattsRpm BhpWattsRpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts
900 643 0.15 152 768 0.22 222 870 0.30 296 958 0.37 373 1037 0.46 454
1000 683 0.19 191 804 0.27 268 904 0.35 348 991 0.43 430 1069 0.52 517
1100 725 0.24 237 842 0.32 321 939 0.41 407 1025 0.50 496 1102 0.59 588
1200 767 0.29 291 880 0.38 382 976 0.48 474 1060 0.57 570 1136 0.67 668
1300 811 0.35 352 920 0.45 451 1013 0.55 550 1095 0.66 652 1170 0.76 756
1400 855 0.43 423 960 0.53 529 1051 0.64 636 1132 0.75 744 1205 0.86 855
1500 900 0.51 504 1002 0.62 617 1090 0.74 731 1169 0.85 846 1242 0.97 963
1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm BhpWattsRpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts
900 1110 0.54 538 1177 0.63 627 1239 0.72 718 1298 0.82 813 1355 0.92 911
1000 1141 0.61 607 1207 0.70 700 1269 0.80 796 1328 0.90 895 1384 1.00 998
1100 1173 0.69 683 1238 0.79 781 1300 0.89 883 1358 0.99 987 1414 1.10 1094
1200 1205 0.77 768 1270 0.88 872 1332 0.98 979 1389 1.09 1088 —— —
1300 1239 0.87 863 1303 0.98 972 1364 1.09 1084 —— — —— —
1400 1273 0.97 967 1337 1.09 1082 —— — —— — —— —
1500 1309 1.09 1082 —— — —— — —— — —— —
Bhp—Brake Horsepower Input to Fan
Watts — Input Watts to Motor
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm BhpWattsRpm BhpWattsRpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts
900 643 0.15 152 768 0.22 222 870 0.30 296 958 0.37 373 1037 0.46 454
1000 683 0.19 191 804 0.27 268 904 0.35 348 991 0.43 430 1069 0.52 517
1100 725 0.24 237 842 0.32 321 939 0.41 407 1025 0.50 496 1102 0.59 588
1200 767 0.29 291 880 0.38 382 976 0.48 474 1060 0.57 570 1136 0.67 668
1300 811 0.35 352 920 0.45 451 1013 0.55 550 1095 0.66 652 1170 0.76 756
1400 855 0.43 423 960 0.53 529 1051 0.64 636 1132 0.75 744 1205 0.86 855
1500 900 0.51 504 1002 0.62 617 1090 0.74 731 1169 0.85 846 1242 0.97 963
1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm BhpWattsRpm BhpWattsRpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts
900 1110 0.54 538 1177 0.63 627 1239 0.72 718 1298 0.82 813 1355 0.92 911
1000 1141 0.61 607 1207 0.70 700 1269 0.80 796 1328 0.90 895 1384 1.00 998
1100 1173 0.69 683 1238 0.79 781 1300 0.89 883 1358 0.99 987 1414 1.10 1094
1200 1205 0.77 768 1270 0.88 872 1332 0.98 979 1389 1.09 1088 1444 1.21 1200
1300 1239 0.87 863 1303 0.98 972 1364 1.09 1084 1421 1.21 1199 1475 1.32 1316
1400 1273 0.97 967 1337 1.09 1082 1397 1.21 1200 1453 1.33 1320 1507 1.45 1443
1500 1309 1.09 1082 1371 1.21 1204 1430 1.33 1327 1486 1.46 1453 1540 1.59 1581
Bhp—Brake Horsepower Input to Fan
Watts — Input Watts to Motor
Low Speed High Speed
208 V 230, 460, 575 V 208 V 230, 460, 575 V
ESP BhpWattsESP Bhp Watts ESP Bhp Watts ESP BhpWatts
1200 0.68 0.41 458 0.74 0.45 506 0.74 0.51 572 0.85 0.56 632
1300 0.61 0.42 471 0.67 0.46 521 0.66 0.52 589 0.78 0.58 651
1400 0.53 0.45 503 0.59 0.49 556 0.59 0.54 616 0.70 0.60 681
1500 0.45 0.47 536 0.51 0.52 593 0.52 0.56 631 0.63 0.62 698
1600 0.36 0.49 557 0.42 0.54 616 0.45 0.58 654 0.56 0.64 723
1700 0.26 0.52 584 0.32 0.57 646 0.37 0.60 678 0.48 0.66 750
1800 0.15 0.54 610 0.22 0.60 674 0.30 0.62 698 0.41 0.68 772
1900 0.04 0.56 629 0.11 0.62 696 0.23 0.64 720 0.34 0.70 796
2000 — — — — — — 0.16 0.66 744 0.26 0.73 823
Bhp—Brake Horsepower Input to Fan
ESP — External Static Pressure (in. wg)