Fig. 54 --- Cooling Charging Chart, 551B 048 with
Optional Perfect Humidity Adaptive
Dehumidification System
NOTE: When using the charging charts, it is important that only
the subcooling/reheat dehumidification coil liquid line solenoid
valve be energized. The subcooling/reheat dehumidification coil
liquid line solenoid valve MUST be energized to use the charging
charts and the outdoor motor speed controller jumpered to run the
The charts reference a liquid pressure (psig) and temperature at a
point between the condenser coil and the subcooling/reheat
dehumidification coil. A tap is provided on the unit to measure
liquid pressure entering the subcooling/reheat dehumidification
IMPORTANT: The subcooling mode charging charts (Fig.
53--56) are to be used ONLY with units having the Perfect
Humidity adaptive dehumidification system. DO NOT use
standard charge (Fig. 49 --51 and 57--60) for units with Perfect
Humidity system, and DO NOT use Fig. 53-- 56 for standard
Fig. 55 --- Cooling Charging Chart, 551B 048 with
Optional Perfect Humidity Adaptive
Dehumidification System
Fig. 56 --- Cooling Charging Chart, 551B 072 with
Optional Perfect Humidity Adaptive
Dehumidification System
To Use Cooling Charging Chart, Standard
Take the outdoor ambient temperature and read the suction
pressure gauge. Refer to charts to determine what suction
temperature should be. If suction temperature is high, add
refrigerant. If suction temperature is low, carefully recover some
of the charge. Recheck the suc tion pressure as charge is adjusted.
Example (Fig. 49):
Outdoor Temperature 75F.........................
Suction Pressure 70 psig...........................
Suction Temperature should be 48F..................
(Suc tion temperature may vary 5F.)
If a charging device is used, temperature and pressure readings
must be accomplished using the char ging charts.
To Use Cooling Charging Charts, Units W
Perfect Humidity
Adaptive Dehumidification System
Refer to charts (Fig. 53--56) to determine the proper leaving
condenser pressure and temperature.
Example (Fig. 53):
Leaving Condenser Pressure 250 psig.................
Leaving Condenser Temperature 105_F...............
NOTE: When using the charging charts, it is important that only
the subcooling/reheat dehumidification coil liquid line solenoid
valve be energized. The subcooling/reheat dehumidification coil
liquid line solenoid valve MUST be energized to use the charging
charts and the outdoor motor speed controller jumpered to run the
IMPORTANT: Refer to Troubleshooting Tables for additional
Step 6 —Replacement Pa rts
A complete list of replacement parts may be obtained from any
Bryant distributor upon request.