
Steam Frame Water Frame Boiler Base
With Tubes Without Tubes With Tubes Without Tubes
Installed Installed Installed Installed
Atmospheric Forced Draft
Model BHP LxWxH Wgt. LxWxH Wgt. LxWxH Wgt. LxWxH Wgt. LxWxH Wgt. LxWxH* Wgt.
CLM-120 29 48x35x56 965 48x17x56 478 48x32x48 796 48x10x48 309 43x36x19 260 47x36x28 620
CLM-150 36 57x35x56 1156 57x17x56 547 57x32x48 961 57x10x48 352 53x36x19 320 57x36x28 850
CLM-180 43 66x35x56 1350 66x17x56 617 66x32x48 1127 66x10x48 396 62x36x19 380 65x36x28 970
CLM-210 50 76x35x56 1541 76x17x56 688 76x32x48 1292 76x10x48 439 71x36x19 430 75x36x28 1100
CLM-240 57 85x35x56 1732 85x17x56 757 85x32x48 1457 85x10x48 482 80x36x19 480 84x36x28 1200
CLM-270 64 94x35x56 1929 94x17x56 827 94x32x48 1621 94x10x48 525 90x36x19 540 93x36x28 1300
CLM-300 71 104x35x56 2115 104x17x56 897 104x32x48 1787 104x10x48 569 99x36x19 600 103x36x28 1450
Width over base is 31
/2" if boltdown angles are deleted.
Dimensions and Weight for CLM Series Knockdown Construction (in Inches and Pounds)
Dimensions and Weight for K Series Knockdown Construction (in Inches and Pounds)
Steam Frame Water Frame
Upper Lower Upper Lower
Header Header* Header Header*
Model BHP LxWxH Wgt. LxWxH Wgt. LxWxH Wgt. LxWxH Wgt.
RV-250 60 94x24x35 1070 120x55x20 1320 94x13x21 640 120x50x20 1020
RV-300 72 107x24x35 1180 133x55x20 1480 107x13x21 710 133x50x20 1120
RV-350 84 116x24x35 1260 142x55x20 1560 116x13x21 750 142x50x20 1190
RV-400 96 129x24x35 1390 157x55x20 1650 129x13x21 830 157x50x20 1330
RV-450 108 139x24x35 1470 165x55x20 1750 139x13x21 880 165x50x20 1400
RV-500 120 149x24x35 1550 175x55x20 1830 149x13x21 930 175x50x20 1470
RV-550 131 162x24x35 1660 187x55x20 1930 162x13x21 990 187x50x20 1570
RV-600 143 171x24x35 1740 197x55x20 2010 171x13x21 1040 197x50x20 1640
RV-700 167 194x24x35 1920 226x55x20 2220 194x13x21 1150 226x50x20 1890
RV-800 191 216x24x35 2110 249x55x20 2530 216x13x21 1260 249x50x20 2020
Includes Channel Iron Base
Select the Knockdown
solution for your replacement problem
Dimensions and Weight for RV Series Knockdown Construction
(in Inches and Pounds)
Form No. 7700 ©1998 Bryan Steam LLC Printed in USA
Specifications subject to change without notice.
Consult Factory for other boiler options.
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of Bryan
The video “How to Save
Time and Money with
Bryan Knockdown
Boilers” is available for
your viewing on request.
Phone 765-473-6651 or
Fax 765-473-3074.
Steam Frame Water Frame* Boiler Base
With Tubes Without Tubes With Tubes Without Tubes
Installed Installed Installed Installed Water Steam
Model BHP LxWxH Wgt. LxWxH Wgt. LxWxH Wgt. LxWxH Wgt. LxWxH Wgt. LxWxH Wgt.
K-250 60 79x48x85 2390 79x24x85 1060 82x41x71 2040 82x13x71 710 98x49x17 480 98x54x17 490
K-300 72 92x48x85 2820 92x24x85 1200 95x41x71 2420 95x13x71 800 111x49x17 520 111x54x17 530
K-350 84 105x48x85 3260 105x24x85 1350 108x41x71 2790 108x13x71 890 124x49x17 550 124x54x17 560
K-400 96 115x48x85 3610 115x24x85 1480 118x41x71 3100 118x13x71 980 133x49x17 600 133x54x17 610
K-450 108 127x48x85 4260 127x24x85 1630 131x41x71 3480 131x13x71 1060 146x49x17 610 146x54x17 620
K-500 120 140x48x85 4470 140x24x85 1770 144x41x71 3850 144x13x71 1150 159x49x17 630 159x54x17 640
K-550 131 153x48x85 4910 153x24x85 1920 156x41x71 4230 156x13x71 1240 172x49x17 660 172x54x17 670
K-600 143 163x48x85 5230 163x24x85 2030 166x41x71 4500 166x13x71 1300 181x49x17 690 181x54x17 700
K-650 155 176x48x85 5760 176x24x85 2170 179x41x71 4880 179x13x71 1390 194x49x17 720 194x54x17 730
Add 6" to length of frame for “WT” boilers.
Bryan Steam LLC Leaders Since 1916
783 N. Chili Ave., Peru, Indiana 46970 U.S.A.
Phone: 765-473-6651
Internet: www.bryanboilers.com
Fax: 765-473-3074
E-mail: bryanboilers@iquest.net