I: Select user box
Selects the user whose logs are displayed in the log view screen.
J: Log view screen
Views logs.
K: Status bar
Displays the description of the button to be selected or the viewed log.
The Properties dialog box will appear as follows when the registration of the user name and password is
completed. First of all, you have to set the POP server settings. For details on POP server settings, refer to
Section 5 ‘Server’.
For detailed information on each button and tab, refer to the specified section below;
Refer to Section 12 'Default'.
Properties tabs
Server: Refer to Section 5 'Server'.
Check: Refer to Section 6 'Check'.
Page Setup: Refer to Section 7 'Page Setup'.
Print: Refer to Section 8 'Print'.
Filter: Refer to Section 9 'Filter'.
Connection: Refer to Section 10 'Connection'.
Others: Refer to Section 11 'Others'.