Figure 2. Calibration Equipment Setup
- 4 -
Important! For accurate Snifit operation, periodic
calibration of its CO sensor is required.
To calibrate the CO sensor, you will need the equip-
ment listed under Accessories. Note that the Zero Gas
Cylinder is needed only if you’re unsure about the
quality of the surrounding air for zeroing purposes.
Calibrate the sensor to a known concentration of CO
gas as follows:
1. Assemble the calibration equipment per Figure 2.
2. Zero the instrument as previously described under
Zeroing the Sensor.
If necessary, you can use the calibration cup to apply
a blend of Oxygen/Nitrogen gas directly over the
sensor by attaching a zero gas cylinder to the
regulator and adjusting the regulator knob for a
flow rate of 2 SCFH.
3. Push the Calibration Cup over the sensor housing.
4. Attach a CO Span Gas Cylinder to the regulator.
Then apply span gas to the sensor by adjusting the
regulator knob for a flow rate of 2 SCFH.
Parts Shown:
1. CO Span G as Cylinder, 51-1994
2. Regulator, 03-4318*
3. Tubing, 03-6351*
4. Flowmeter, 06-6163*
5. Calibration Cup Assem bly, 23-2156**
* P art o f C a libration K it 2 4-7059
** Part of Tool / Cup Kit 19-3242