Installation and Service Manual Upsilon-Series
- On installation and during additions or changes at a later stage, A.O.Smith recom-
mends to keep a record of the type of water used, its quality at the time, and if ap-
plicable, which additives and quantities were added.
Parameter Value
Water type Potable water
Softened water
pH 6.0-8.5
Conductivity (at 20°C in µS/cm) Max. 2500
Iron (ppm) Max. 0.2
Hardness (°dH):
Installation volume/capacity
<20 l/kW
Installation volume/capacity
>=20 l/kW
Oxygen No oxygen diffusion allowed during
Max. 5% lling water addition annually
Corrosion inhibitors Refer to Additives Attachment
pH increasing or lowering agents Refer to Additives Attachment
Anti-freeze additives Refer to Additives Attachment
Other chemical additives Refer to Additives Attachment
Solid substances Not allowed
Residues of processing water not for-
ming part of the drinking water
Not allowed
table 6.3.a
Potable water: Tap water compliant with the European drinking water guideline:
98/83/EG dated 3 November 1998.
Softened water: Water with partly de-ionised calcium and magnesium.
Demi-water: Virtually completely demineralised water (very low conductivity)
Distilled water: Water no longer containing minerals.