Manual 2100-518B
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All air and debris must be removed from the earth loop
piping system before operation. Flush the loop with a high
volume of water at a high velocity (2 fps in all piping in
accordance with IGSHPA guidelines).
1. Connect the unit and loop to the ow center.
2. Connect the ush cart hoses to the front port of the
ow center (see Figure 8).
3. Fill closed loop (outside) evenly with domestic water
and discharge the return water by adding water to the
ush cart until water returns to the reservoir. The
return water should be ltered or discharged to
remove debris.
4. Fill the ush cart two-thirds full for initial ushing.
5. Flush the lowest portion of the system rst.
Depending upon the individual layout, this could be
the loop or the unit. (If unit is lowest part of system,
set valve position as shown in Figure 9C. If loop is
lowest part of system, set ow center valve position
as shown in Figure 9A.)
6. Restart the pump. Once you have a steady ow of
water on the return side from the system, deadhead
the pump by closing the ball valve on the hose
returning to the reservoir. This will generate the
maximum pressure on the system. While the return
ball valve is closed, note the uid level in the
reservoir. If all the air is purged from the system, the
level will drop only 1/2" to 3/4" in the ush cart site
glass, since water is not compressible. This is the
only way to tell if the air is purged from the system.
Open valve quickly, wait one minute, then deadhead
again. Repeat this process until all air is purged from
the system.
7. Reverse the ow direction with the ush cart and
repeat Step #6.
8. Repeat Step #6 for the higher elevation side of the
system. (If unit is highest part of system, set valve
position as shown Figure 9C. If loop is highest part
of system, set ow center valve position as shown in
Figure 9A.)
9. After ushing both sides of the system, reset ow
control valves to ush the entire system. Set valve
position as shown in Figure 9B and repeat Step #7.
1. Connect loop to ow center.
2. Connect the unit side connections of the ow center
together with a jumper hose.
3. Remove caps and plugs from ow center front access
4. Connect ush cart hoses to access ports.
5. Position valve stems as shown in Figure 9A.
6. Fill the ush cart two-thirds full for initial ushing.
7. Restart the pump. Once you have a steady ow of
water on the return side from the system, deadhead
the pump by closing the ball valve on the hose
returning to the reservoir. This will generate the
maximum pressure on the system. While the return
ball valve is closed, note the uid level in the
reservoir. If all the air is purged from the system, the
level will drop only 1/2" to 3/4" in the ush cart site
glass, since water is not compressible. This is the
only way to tell if the air is purged from the system.
Open valve quickly, wait one minute, then deadhead
again. Repeat this process until all air is purged from
the system.
8. Reverse the ow direction with the ush cart and
repeat Step #7.
9. Rotate the ow center valves to isolate the ush cart
from the rest of the system (see Figure 9C).
10. Turn off ush cart pump, relieve pressure on the
hoses and remove them.
11. Replace ow center access plugs and caps.
12. Rotate valves back to position as shown in Figure 9B.
13. Remove jumper from unit connection ports.