Smart·Key Wireless Remote Low Battery (Optional Feature)
What it means: The battery in the Smart·Key remote is low and may stop functioning soon.
What you’ll notice: The keypad beeps four times per minute. If you have a Premium keypad, the message window
reads ### TROUBLE LOW BAT USER # CALL 800.445.0872.
What to do: 1. To silence the keypad’s beeping, press the CANCEL key.
2. Call ADT Customer Care at 800.445.0872 for assistance.
Upload/Download Failure
A problem occurred when ADT attempted to change or read the system’s programming over the telephone line. Call
ADT Customer Care at 800.ADT.ASAP (800.238.2727) for assistance.
Zone Trouble Indication
What it means: A trouble indication on a zone condition would arise if, for example, the smoke detector is dirty or in
need of adjustment. It could also occur if a sensor has a defective part or a broken wire.
1. To silence the keypad’s beeping, press the CANCEL key.
2. Wait 30 minutes for the system to reset.
3. If the detector has not reset after 30 minutes, the trouble message
returns and the keypad beeps. Call ADT Customer Care at 800.445.0872
for assistance.