120 PrintServer II User and Reference Guide
ZebraNet® Utilities
ZebraNet Alert
ZebraNet Alert Destinations
Unsolicited ALERT messages can be directed to the following destinations:
• Email (PSII specific)
• Serial (ZebraLink specific)
• Parallel (ZebraLink specific)
• TCP (PSII specific)
• UDP (ZebraLink specific)
• SNMP (PSII specific)
ZebraNet Alert Using SNMP
You can send notifications over SNMP only, for use with ZebraNet Alert or a similar
network management utility.
To configure the PSII to send alerts across a TCP/IP Network
to ZebraNet Alert, complete these steps:
1. From the task bar, select Start>Programs>ZebraNet Utilities>ZebraNet View.
2. Select the printer you want.
• If a DHCP server is present, the PSII will already have an IP address.
• Label taken
• Head element out
• ZBI (Zebra BASIC Interpreter) runtime
• ZBI (Zebra BASIC Interpreter) forced
• Power on
Important • If you did not install ZebraNet Alert during the ZebraNet Utilities
installation, see ZebraNet Utilities on page 27.