Cost savings
The overall running costs are reduced by the unique wash
and rinse system which minimises water, energy and
detergent consumption.
When the water becomes too dirty to wash, the IWS, Ideal
Washing system avoids draining completely all the wash
tanks. A part of the dirty water is drained away automatically
each hour and topped up with clean water on a predefined
basis so the appliance can work all day long.
Water saving is up to 30%
, while the detergent
consumption is reduced up to 75%
. Indeed, the separate
pre-wash zones does not use heated water and so requires
no additional water for cooling.
Savings up to 12kW
are guaranteed by the Energy saving
Device which incoporates a large condenser unit that is able
to pre-heat incoming cold water up to 50°C and to avoid the
need for a dedicated ventilation hood.
Self-draining stainless steel
washing pumps, suitable for
heavy duty installations, allow
complete discharge of the
dirty wash water.
The Maximum Water
Contact (MWC) wash
arms are positioned
along the full length of
the wash tank to wash
in the shortest possible
space. Thus doubling
the amount of wash
water contact time
in comparison to the
traditional wash arm
configurations. Just
because a basket is in
the wash zone for 2
minutes, it doesn’t mean
it is being washed in
water for 2 minutes.
The duo wash pump supplies the upper and lower
wash arms, concentrating as much high powered
wash water as possible, ideal for dried on foods or
for a large number of containers or utensils to be
Working Performance
Zanussi system
Up to 30% savings in water
Up to 75% savings in detergent
Zanussi system Traditonal system
Traditonal system