Maintenance and care
nals, and then store the battery in a cool,
dry place.
(6) Check the battery at least once every 2
months and fully charge it if necessary.
Always keep the battery charged. Storing
a discharged battery can cause permanent
battery damage.
To check the condition of the battery, check
the specific gravity of the electrolyte or mea-
sure the voltage at both battery terminals.
Charge the battery if the voltage is less than
12 volts.
It is recommended to have a Yamaha dealer
check the specific gravity and charge the bat-
tery. If you maintain the battery yourself, be
sure to read and follow the instructions provid-
ed with the battery tester and charger you
Cleaning the watercraft
Clean the watercraft before storing it for a long
(1) Wash down the hull, handlebars, and jet
unit with fresh water.
(2) Rinse the engine and bilge area with
fresh water. Drain all of the water and
wipe up any remaining moisture with
clean, dry rags.
Do not use high-pressure water when rins-
ing the engine and bilge area as severe en-
gine damage could result.
(3) Spray the engine’s exterior with a rust in-
hibitor and lubricant such as Yamaha Sil-
icone Protectant and Lubricant.
(4) Wax the hull with a non-abrasive wax
such as Yamaha Silicone Wax.
(5) Wipe all vinyl and rubber components,
such as the seat and engine compart-
ment seals, with a vinyl protectant such
as Yamaha Protectant.
Specific gravity (for reference):
1.28 at 20 °C (68 °F)
UF1W10E0.book Page 88 Monday, November 26, 2007 3:57 PM