Installation Xerox
User Guide 15
View the User Guides
1. Return to the disc’s Main menu and click on View user guides.
2. Click on View scanner documentation to access the scanner user guide and scanning guides
for OneTouch and TWAIN.
– Scanner user guide—Instructions for scanner setup, installation, operation,
maintenance, safety, and warranty
– OneTouch scanning guide—Instructions for configuring and scanning using OneTouch
– TWAIN scanning guide—Instructions for accessing and scanning using the TWAIN
Click on View software documentation to access the user guides for the software
applications provided with the scanner.
From either of these user guide windows, click on the User guide menu button to return to
the main user guide window, then select the other documentation section to view the user
3. Click the links of the guides you want to view.
4. When you’re finished, click Main menu to return to the Main menu window and click Exit.
5. Remove the installation disc and store it in a safe place.
Scanner documentation window Software documentation window