DocuMate 510 Scanner User’s Guide 31
The Default One Touch Settings for Your Scanner
Based on the recommended installation of PaperPort and the
scanner driver, your scanner is pre-configured to scan items for
various basic tasks, such as email or fax, then send the scanned
image to an appropriate, pre-selected Destination Application. The
following table shows these factory-default settings. You can
change any of these settings.
If PaperPort is not installed, then the options for sending to word
processing applications such as Microsoft Word will not be
Button Name
Preconfigured Settings
1 Scan PaperPort Black&White @ 200dpi—Opens the image in PaperPort.
2 PDF PaperPort Black&White @ 300dpi—Opens the image in PaperPort.
3 Print Printer Black&White @ 300dpi—Prints a Black & White copy of
your scanned item.
4 eMail eMail
Black&White @ 200dpi—Attaches the scanned image to
a new email message.
5 Fax Fax
Black&White @ 200dpi—Sends the scanned image to
your fax application.
6 OCR Microsoft
Black&White @ 300dpi—Converts scanned text into
editable text.
7 Archive Transfer to
Black&White @ 300dpi—Saves the scan to a folder
location on your computer without opening an application.
Color @ 100dpi—Sends the scanned image to the
MS-Paint application.
9 Paint Microsoft
Color @ 300dpi—Sends the scanned image to the
MS-Paint application.
NOTE: The default page size in each configuration is based on
the location selected in your Windows setup.
For example:
• If the Windows location is set to “United States”, the default
page size in each profile is based on the United States
standard page sizes such as 8.5”x11”.
• If the Windows location is set to “United Kingdom”, the default
page size in each profile is based on the ISO 216 standard
and the majority of the profiles will default to A4.
NOTE: The email application will default to the email program
specified in the internet options of Internet Explorer.