5 Attach either end of a SCSI peripheral cable to the other port on the back of the
first device.
If you want the second device to be more than 18 inches away from the first,
connect a cable extender to the end of the SCSI peripheral cable. You can use
up to 20 feet (6.1 meters) of cables.
6 Attach the other end of the SCSI peripheral cable (or the other end of the cable extender)
to either SCSI port on the back of the second device.
7 Repeat steps 5 and 6 for each additional SCSI device you want to connect.
8 Attach the cable terminator (if you need one) to the remaining SCSI port on the back of
the last SCSI device in your chain.
Most external SCSI devices from Apple do not have internal
terminators, but the Apple Color OneScanner has a built-in terminator. To
make certain about other devices, check their manuals.
Assembling the SCSI chain
The illustrations on the next few pages show the various SCSI configurations
and the cables and termination settings required.
Appendix C