Page: 58 Model MRC88
© 2003 Xantech Corporation
In Advanced and Expanded modes, the available Video or Sense inputs can be used for either power
management of source components or as Triggers to initiate IR codes, RS232 Codes or Internal Amplifier
Commands. This is very useful for numerous applications such as a Doorbell trigger circuit to MUTE a particular
zone or to set a preferred lighting scene when a component is turned on or when timer circuit is triggered (i.e.
At 11PM set bedroom lighting to soft, turn TV ON and set to News Channel).
The Trigger is issued whenever the corresponding STATE of the Sense input is TRUE (i.e. commands placed
under POWER ON will be issued whenever the Sense Input senses a signal). It can also issue a different
command when the Sense input is False (i.e. commands placed under POWER OFF will be issued when the
Sense Input signal is removed). It does not compare it to the Power State of the MRC88 Zone Power condition
as it does in Power Management.
NOTE: If a Video or Sense Input is being used in Power Management for a particular source, it will not be
available for Sense Trigger and the corresponding button will be grayed out in the Sense Trigger window.
NOTE: The SENSE Input is referred to as a CONTROL INPUT in this application as it may not require a
Current Sense Module (CSM1) to trigger the input in some applications.
i.e. whenever a DC trigger voltage (between +5VDC and +12VDC 15mA) is switched onto the RING signal of
the Stereo Mini Jack (used to interface into the Sense Input) the associated macro will be triggered. See
Polarity and Wiring of Sense Inputs for wiring options.
Figure 30: Programming Sense Triggers
1. Select the SENSE SETUP tab in the MRC88 Systems window.
2. Select SENSE TRIGGERS in the selection window
3. Select the available Video or Control button under the Sense Input to program.
4. Select POWER ON in the Macro Command List. The POWER ON button will become outlined in BLUE.
5. Select the appropriate command(s) to be associated with a Positive sense input (presence of VIDEO if
using the Video Trigger Input or presence of a 12vDC signal on the RING of the stereo mini jack
connected to the SENSE input).