Troubleshooting Assistance Guide
Customer Service Toll Free 1-888-232-5949 37
Temperature display is incorrect.
• The electronic thermostat is very accurate and maintains the setpoint more accurately
than non-electronic thermostats (within +/- 1.0 degree).
• While programming, body heat can increase display temperature. Wait about 10
minutes for the thermostat to re-establish the actual sensed temperature.
• The thermostat can be configured for Fahrenheit (F) or Celsius (C) display. If the
temperature displays 20 to 25 degrees, it may be in Celsius (Centigrade) mode. If so,
call Customer Service toll free at 1-888-232-5949.
• Make sure you are looking at the correct temperature display. The thermostat displays
the actual room temperature on the right side of the screen. The thermostat’s current
temperature setpoint is alternately displayed with the time on the left side of the
• If the HOLD icon is flashing, the thermostat is set for temporary hold. Press RUN to
reset the hold and go back to the programmed setpoint.
• If the HOLD icon is lit but not flashing, the thermostat is set for a permanent hold.
Press RUN to reset the hold and go back to the programmed setpoint.
• If the displayed setpoint is not what you want, review your programming settings and
reprogram as needed.