It is dan gerou s to open the do or w hen was hi ng , be c aus e the hot wate r ma y s c ald y ou .
W h en t he wor ki n g cy cle h as fini s hed, t he bu z zer of t he d i s hwa she r will s o u nd f or 8 sec o n d s , th en s t op. Tu r n o ff
t he a ppliance usi ng th e ON/O FF butt on, shut off the water supp ly and op en the d oor of th edi shw ashe r.
Wait for a few min utes bef ore unlo adi ng th edi shwashe r to avoi dha ndlin gth e dishes and utensils wh ile th ey
are s till h ot and more suscept ible to break age. The ywi ll alsod ry better.
Switch Off the Dishwasher
The pro gram has en ded, o nly if there appears a 0 in the digi tal displa y( remaining prog ram time).
1.S witch off the di shwa sher by pressin gt he ON/OFF but to n.
2.Turnoffthewater tap!
Open the door carefully.
Hot dishes ar e sensitive to knocks. The dishes shou ld ther efor eb e allowed to cool down arou nd 15 minutes
before removingfrom the appliance.
Open the dish washer's door, leave it ajar and wai t af ew minutes befor e removing the dis hes. In this way they
will be cooler an dt he drying will be im proved.
Unloading the dishwasher
It is normal that the di shw ashe r is wet insid e.
Empty th el ower basket first a nd then the up pero ne. This will avoi d water dripp ing fro m the uppe r Bas ket onto
the dis hes in the low er on e.
Turning On theAppliance
Change the Program...
Forgot to Add a Dish?
will working after 10 seconds.continue
I fyou ope n the door , the mach ine will pause. When you cl ose th ed oor , the machineduring a wash cycle
Start ing a cycle w ash
1 D raw out the lowe ran dup per b asket, load the d ishe sa nd pu sht hem back.
It iscommendedtoloadthelowerbasketfirst,thentheupperone(seethe sectionentitled
Loa di ng th e Di s hwa she r ).
2 P ou r in t he d ete r gent ( see t h e sect ion ent i t led Salt , D eterg ent an d Ri n seAid ) .
3 I nsert the plu g int ot he socket. The pow er suppl yi s 220- 240 VAC /50 HZ, the spec ifica tio n of th e
s ocket is 10A 250 VAC. M ake sure that the water supply is turne d on to full pressu re.
4 Clos e the doo r, pres s the O N/O FF bu tton, and the O N/ OFF light will turn o n . P res s t h e pr ogr a m
b utton to sele ct a desi re dw ash cycle,A fter 3 secon ds, the machine will work.
Premi se:
1 Acycle th ati s under wa y can on ly be modi fied if it has on ly been runnin g fo r a short
time . Otherwis e, t hed eterg ent may ha ve alread y been relea sed, a nd the appl ian ce may
have alr ead y drai ned t hew ash water. If this is th eca se, the detergen t dispense r must
be ref ill ed (se e th e se ction enti tled " Loa ding the Det er gent " ).
2 Wh eny ou press the st art/r eset button mo re than 3 sec onds, you can cance l the runn ing
programme andselect otherprogrammes (see the sectionentitled "Startingawash cycle... " ).
3 Wh eny ou select Int ensi ve/ Norm al/Eco.Pro gr ammes, you ca n sel ect the3 in1 function .
A forgotten dish can be added at any time before the detergent c up opens.
Load the forgotten dishes.
Close t he door, t he dishwasher will start running agai n
after 10 seconds.
After the spray arm s stop w orking,y ou can open the door
comp letely.
Open the door a little t o stop the washing.