If washer/drver does not
operate pioberly...
Check the follow~na to be sure that
I Electrical supply; connected
2 House fuse or clrcwt breaker IS
Intact and tight
Check that you have all
. of your tools
Turn on the water
n faucets and check fol
leals Tlghte” the couplings if there
IS le IkIng
Replace the access
n panel Be s”re to tlghten
screws at each end ol the access
par el Replace the bumper under
the zenter screw and tighten the
cer ter screw
Read the Use and Care
n G&k to fully
uncarstond your new washer/dryer
WICZ out the drum
Plus the
electrical cord Into a grounded
out ?t Now start the washer and
alloti It to complete the regular
cyi le.
Open the dryer door
n Check to be sure the
iin, ;creen 15 in IiS proper position
Sto t the dryer and allow It to
cor@ete a cycle to make sure It IS
wor*lng properly.
3 Washer lid or dryer door IS closed
4 Controls are set r a running or
“ON” posItIon.
5 Dryer “start- button has been
firmly pushed
6 Make sure yellow, shipping strap
has been completely removed
Dwng normal bwness hours the
Whlrlaool COOL-LINE’ Service ~111
answer any questIons about
operotlng or molntolnlng your
washer/dryer not covered In your
lnstallat~on lnstructlons The
Whirlpool COOL-LINE’ Service
number is (800) 253-1301
Dial Just as
you normally dial long distance -
the co!1 1s free
FInally. save all
. literature and keep It
with the washer/dryer
Panel E