The effects of low PH can be rapid sanitizer loss, eye and skin irritation,
expedited corrosion of metals, as well as staining throughout the spa.
High PH can result in cloudy water, low sanitizer efciency, as well as
eye and skin irritation.
3 - Parts per Million (PPM): The term “parts per million” will be used
frequently in the world of water care. The term simply means exactly
what it says: the coexistence of any one unlike item with a larger number
of “like” items.
4 - Sanitizers: Sanitizers are used to destroy bacteria and other germs
in the water. Only 2 sanitizers are used in spas, chlorine (Sodium Di-
chlor) and Bromine (Hydrotech or Lonza). Without the use of a mineral
system or an enzyme, the preferred level of sanitizer is between 2 and
3 ppm.
5 - Total Dissolved Solids (TDS): TDS is simply the measure of the
total amount of matter dissolved in the water. When this level becomes
too high, action is advised.
6 - Calcium Hardness: The measure of the amount of calcium dis-
solved in the water as expressed in PPM. Hard water, or water with
calcium levels over 250 PPM can cause scale formation on the surface
of the spa or the components of the spa.
7 - Total Chlorine: Total Chlorine is the sum of the free and combined
chlorines in the water. Often, water will contain a higher level of total
chlorine than available chlorine. If this is the case in your water, you
may use a non-chlorine shock (typically potassium monopersulfate) to
free up the remainder of total chlorine.
8 - Ozone: Ozone is a gas molecule that can be generated by an Ozon-
ator, which is composed of three atoms of oxygen and used to oxidize
the water. Ozone is very useful for regenerating bromine from bromide
ions. It also acts as a supplement when used in conjunction with a sani-
tizer and may reduce the level of sanitizer required. You may read more
about ozone later in this section of your owner’s manual.