A. Sternomastoid (neck)
B. Pectoralis Major (chest)
C. Biceps (front of arm)
D. Obliques (waist)
E. Brachioradials (forearm)
F. Hip Flexors (upper thigh)
G. Abductor (outer thigh)
H. Quadriceps (front of thigh)
I. Sartorius (front of thigh)
J. Tibialis Anterior (front of calf)
K. Soleus (front of calf)
L. Rectus Abdominus (stomach)
M. Adductor (inner thigh)
N. Trapezius (upper back)
O. Rhomboideus (upper back)
P. Deltoid (shoulder)
Q. Triceps (back of arm)
R. Latissimus Dorsi (mid back)
S. Spinae Erectors (lower back)
T. Gluteus Medius (hip)
U. Gluteus Maximus (buttocks)
V. Hamstring (back of leg)
W. Gastrocnemius (back of calf)