F25154 (February 2004)Page 5 of 48
Boiler Code Descriptions
Vulcan-Hart incorporates redundant controls in
compliance with the CSD-1 controls and safety
devices for boiler construction on the high efficiency
steamer models. A description of the code is listed
CSD-1 Construction - Redundant controls in the
electrical safety circuits that, if tripped, must
manually be reset after the condition causing the trip
subsides. The controls provide low water level cut-off
protection (LLCO), auxiliary low water level cut-off
protection (Aux LLCO), and high pressure protection
for the boiler. Additionally, the low water and high
pressure safety circuits have individual indicator
lights that will illuminate for a visual verification of the
shutdown mode.
CSD-1 construction requires operator intervention in
the event of a shutdown. The indicator lights show
the operator which safety system was shutdown.
Furnishing the boiler with treated water to reduce
scale formation is advised. Scale formation will
reduce steam output, cause premature component
failure, and shorten equipment life. Most water
supplies contain scale producing minerals such as
calcium and magnesium. As steam is generated, the
minerals remain and dissolve into the water. As the
concentration of these minerals increases past a
certain point, they precipitate from the water and
coat the inside of the boiler, heating elements, and
water level sensors. Because of the high
temperature of these surfaces, the precipitated
minerals bake onto them and become very difficult to
This may cause several problems:
1. Reduced heat transfer efficiency.
2. Premature heating element failures.
3. False readings from water level sensors.
These problems are common to any steam
equipment manufacturer, regardless of design, but
can be minimized by furnishing the boiler with
treated water.
Other factors affecting steam generation are iron
content, amount of chlorination and dissolved gases.
The desired water properties can best be achieved
by using a properly maintained water treatment
The water level probes in the boiler use ions in the
water to detect the water level. Do not use fully
demineralized or de-ionized water since it is non
conductive and the water level can not be
The use of strainers will not remove minerals from
the water.
Water supplies vary from state to state and from
locations within a state. Therefore, a water
treatment specialist should be consulted before
the installation of any steam generating equipment.
Steamers that operate over a long period of time
without the benefit of a water treatment system,
which have developed a heavy scale build-up,
should be cleaned before using the system.
Boiler Pressure
Operating - 10 to 12 psi
Maximum - 15 psi
Water Supply
The fact that a water supply is potable is no
guarantee that it is suitable for steam generation.
The supply connection to the steam generator
should be treated water and must be within the
guidelines listed below. For drain water cooling only,
an untreated water supply connection should be
Supply connection cold water
Supply pressure should be 20-60 psig
Hardness* less than 60 ppm
Silica less than 13 ppm
Total Chloride less than 4 ppm
PH Range 7 to 8
Un-dissolved Solids
less than 5
*17.1 ppm = 1 grain of hardness