The settings in the Audio Menu configure the player’s digital
audio outputs (HDMI or Optical/SPDIF).
To access the Audio Menu:
1. Turn on the player and your TV.
Use the Arrow buttons on the
remote to highlight Settings
and press OK.
2. Use the Arrow buttons on the
remote to highlight Audio and
press OK.
The Audio drop-down menu is
displayed. Your current settings
are displayed to the right of
each menu option.
Changing the PCM Downsampling Rate
This setting should be adjusted if your home audio receiver can
process high-bitrate PCM signals over the Optical/SPDIF port.
If you are unsure about how to adjust this setting, leave the
PCM Downsampling rate at 48 kHz.
Changing this setting has no effect if your audio is connected
via HDMI cable.
If you have the player connected to a home audio receiver
and your receiver can process high-bitrate PCM signals:
1. From the Audio menu, use
the Up/Down Arrow buttons
on the remote to highlight
PCM Down Sample and
press OK.
2. Highlight the highest
downsampling rate your
reciever can process and
press OK. (Devices differ; see
your receiver’s user manual
for details.)