
2005 Directed Electronics—all rights reserved
PPoowweerr WWiinnddooww CCoonnttrrooll::
Power window control is provided with
Directed Electronics 529T or 530T systems. The 529T system will
roll up two windows automatically when the system is armed, or
roll two windows down by using the transmitter. The 530T will roll
two windows both up and down. The 530T also provides one touch
switch operation.
PPrrooggrreessssiivvee DDoooorr UUnnlloocckkiinngg::
For added security, your system can
be configured to unlock the driver’s door only, leaving the pas-
senger doors locked. Pressing the unlock button an additional time
will unlock the passenger doors. This option requires additional
parts and labor.
AAuuxxiilliiaarryy OOuuttppuuttss LLiinnkkeedd ttoo AArrmm//DDiissaarrmm//RReemmo
ottee SSttaarrtt::
For added
convenience the auxiliary outputs can be used to position the dri-
ver’s seat to a preset position on an Arm, Disarm, or Remote Start
command from the remote.