
55Connect & transfer
Receive with NFC
Receive web links, e-coupons, brochures, maps, and more
from an NFC tag. Look for the NFC logo on posters, signs,
store displays, and other places. Just touch the back of your
smartphone to the logo to receive its tag information.
Bluetooth & Wi-Fi one-touch setup
Just touch the back of your smartphone to an NFC-enabled
Bluetooth device or Wi-Fi access point to automatically pair or
connect with the device.
Mobile payment
You can use any secure payment app to pay for your purchase
(where available).
Look for the NFC logo to confirm that you can make a mobile
payment. Touch the back your smartphone to the payment
device to pay for your purchase.
Mobile payments, wireless connections, and content sharing
all demand security:
•Range: NFC only works over a short range (about
4 cm/1.5 inches), so it's unlikely you’ll connect by
mistake—if you did, you would still have to accept the
connection to send or receive information.
Encryption: Your smartphone uses the latest security,
encryption, and authentication features to protect your
personal information for mobile payments and content
Droid Zap
Share pictures and videos with people around you by using a
two-finger swipe.
Find it: Tap Apps >
Droid Zap
, then tap the
power switch to turn it
Zap it: From the
, select the picture or video you
want to share. Simply place two fingers on the picture or video
and swipe up. Don't forget to tell your friend that you're
Receive Zaps: To receive zaps on a Droid ULTRA, MAXX, or
MINI smartphone, place two fingers on an empty space on