6. When you finish your VuTalk, tap the Exit VuTalk icon or the Back
(in the Front Touch Keys bar) to exit the VuTalk feature. VuTalk
screens you create are stored in the Notebook app.
NOTE If you tap the Home Key (in the Front Touch Keys bar) to go back to the Home
screen, the VuTalk feature continues still running.
VuTalk Settings
1. From the Home screen, tap the Contacts Key (in the Quick Keys bar).
2. Tap the Menu Key
(in the Front Touch Keys bar), then tap VuTalk
3. Tap the VuTalk switch
to turn it off or on.
4. Set the following options as your preferences.
Notification sound: Tap to set the notification sound when you
receive a VuTalk notification.
Vibrate: Tap to set when the device will vibrate for a VuTalk
Show request popup: Checkmark this option to display a pop-up
when a VuTalk request is received.
Contact sync: Checkmark this option to sync your VuTalk contacts.