
Table of Contents
Introduction 1
How a Modem Works..............................................1
How Does Your Sportster Winmodem 33600 & x2/56K
Work ?...................................................................2
Other Features .......................................................3
Package Contents...................................................4
Installation 5
Sportster Winmodem 33600 & x2/56K Installation......5
STEP 1: Insert the Modem Into the Computer ......6
STEP 2: Run the Modem’s Installation Program....8
STEP 3: Installing the Communications Software 11
Changing Country Setup under Windows 95 13
Using the Modem 15
Installation Test..................................................... 15
Factory Settings............................................... 16
Resetting the Modem to Factory Settings........... 17
Remarks on Using the Modem ............................... 18
Un-Installing the Modem ........................................ 19
Troubleshooting 21
Problems and Solutions ......................................... 21
If You Are Still Having Problems............................. 31