tap anywhere outside the menu to close the menu without performing an
See Also:
Entering Information
When you have something to do, your device notifies you in a variety of
ways. For example, if you've set up an appointment in Calendar, an e-mail
message arrives, or a friend sends you an instant message, you'll be
notified in any of the following ways (your device may not have all of these
notification options):
A message box appears on the screen.
A sound, which you can specify, is played.
A light flashes on your device.
The device vibrates.
You can choose Notification Types.
Beaming Information
Use beaming software and hardware, such as infrared (IR), to send and
receive information and files between mobile devices. If an IR port is
installed on your PC, you can send and receive information and files
between your device and PC.
For information on the type of transfer your device supports, see the
User's Guide provided by your device's manufacturer. For information
about beaming specific information within a program, see Help on your
device for that program.