3255 4073–002 6–1
Section 6
EFP9800 ESC/POS Commands
Commands control all operations and functions of the EFP9800 printer. The
commands in this section include the commands for the Epson 370/375 printer,
allowing the EFP9800 printer to emulate the Epson printers.
List of EFP9800 ESC/POS Commands
This table lists the EFP9800 ESC/POS commands in numerical order according
to their hexadecimal codes. The page number indicates where a complete
description of the command can be found in the next section.
Command Name Page
09 Horizontal Tabs: Skip to Next Tab Stop 6–5
0A Line Feed 6–5
0C Eject Slip 6–6
0D Carriage Return 6–6
10 04 Real Time Status Transmission 6–58
10 05 Real Time Request to Printer 6–62
18 Cancel Print Data in Page Mode 6–7
1B 20 Set Right-Side Character Spacing 6–7
1B 21 Select Print Mode(s) 6–8
1B 22 Select Print Mode(s) (for Windows™ Printer
1B 24 Set Absolute Starting Position 6–10
1B 25 Select/Cancel User-Defined Character Set 6–29
1B 26 Define User-Defined Characters 6–30