Section 1 - General Information
Starting October 2009 U-Line Corporation went to a
13 digit serial number. Anything before that date will
have 12 digits.
The serial number is divided into four segments. A typical serial
number is 0914997-11-0005.
The first two digits of the first segment, 09, represents the year the
unit was made.
The next four/five digits of the first segment, 14997, represent the
shop order number. Order number 14997 is assigned for the Model
CLRCO2175B-40 units.
The next two digit segment, 12, represents the month the unit was
The last four digit segment, XXXX, is a factory internal control
number used at U-Line Corporation.
You can use any form you would normally use to bill your customer
(your own computer generated form, Narda, USA, etc.). Claims can
also be filed on-line at
The model and serial number MUST be on the claims. Claims will
not be paid without a model and serial number.
If you used a part in your repair, you MUST put the part number, the
invoice number and where the part came from. Claims will be
returned without this information.
If you work on more than one unit per service call please submit a
separate claim for each unit.
We track all defects through warranty claims, so please be specific on
what the repair was. If it is a system leak, please specify where the
leak was.
Please be sure the claim is legible. If the claim form cannot be read, it
will be returned, unpaid.
Remember: Door and water level adjustments are 90 day
warranties only.
If you are changing out a unit please supply the model and
serial number of both units (the unit being replaced and the
new unit) and the R.A. number.
Occasionally the customer does not return their warranty cards. In
this case we use the date the unit was shipped to our distributor for
a beginning warranty date. This may cause the claim to be rejected
for a proof of purchase. If you want to check on a purchase date, you
may contact the U-Line Corporation Customer Assurance
Department at 1-800-779-2547. This will allow you to get a proof of
purchase, if needed, before you submit the claim.
At U-Line, parts and labor claims are paid separately. Included in
labor are freon and recovery charges, all other parts are handled by
the parts department. We require that some parts be returned to us,
so we may return them to our vendor. It will be noted on your
packing list if we require you to return the part. If a part is to be
returned please include a copy of the packing list and a copy of your
claim. If the part was purchased at one of our part distributors, you
must handle the part warranty with that company. For labor payment
please send a readable copy of your claim to U-Line Corporation,
P.O. Box 245040, Milwaukee WI, 53224-9540, or fax it to 414-354-
5696. Claims can also be filed on-line at www.u-lineservice.com.
Proof of Purchase and/or Proof of Install is an important part of the
warranty claim process. Sometimes it is difficult to obtain a proper
Proof of Purchase/Proof of Install for a number of different reasons:
• The customer does not have a copy (only the original).
• The customer has only their copy of the final Walk Through or
sign-off of new construction.
• Other valid reasons that prevent your technician from leaving the
job site with a suitable Proof of Purchase/ Proof of Install.
We understand the problem and have modified our Proof of Purchase
policy to help you in these situations.
Effective immediately, if a copy of the Proof of Purchase/Proof of
Install is not available at the site, the technician should record the
following information on the Labor Invoice:
• The name of the selling Dealer
• The date of purchase/installation
• The Order or Invoice number (if available)
• The type of document they saw, i.e. Store Receipt, Closing Papers,
Sign-Off of Building Permit, Final Walk Through, etc.
If we have this information on the Labor Invoice, and we have the
other information that is needed (correct Serial Number, type of
repair, time spent on repairs, parts used in the repair,
invoice number for the part, etc.), we will be able to process the
invoice for you in a timely manner.
Factory Internal
Control Number