Housing Flame retardant polycarbonate containing
fully encapsulated electronics.
Colour Dark Grey
- Current
database backup for over 3 months.
LED Indicators Three high intensity LED indicators red,
amber and green
with backlight
response keypad.
Inputs Four analog inputs (Transguard protected)
Outputs Two current limited open collector outputs
(Door Lock, Unused – for future use)
the door.
- Transactions Up to 50,000 transactions in offline
Configuration Operational parameters are downloaded
setting can also be set using the keypad.
wire with maximum length of 1.2km
without repeater
- Connection 2 part screw terminals
wire with maximum length of 1.2km
without repeater
- Connection 2 part screw terminals
InfoProx IPO200 (125 kHz Proximity)
Door Control Unit Installation
The enclosure is designed to mount directly onto a standard
versions are provided with a compact adapter plate), meaning
that standard conduit and fittings may be used.
Remote Programming
Operational parameters, e.g. door open time, are downloaded to
the reader from the host computer. Additionally some parameters
can also be configured via the keypad. InfoProx readers can even
be remotely upgraded, eliminating the need to physically replace
firmware, giving increased system flexibility and efficiency.
Card Technology
The InfoProx reader (IPO200) uses 125 kHz proximity technology
under license from HID Corporation.
A 13.5 MHz technology (IPO210) option of the reader is available
enabling the InfoProx to read the unique ID of MiFare smart cards
Type of Card Read Range (IPO200)
Type of Card Read Range (IPO210)
Local Database
is retained in excess of three months without external power.
The InfoProx can also store up to 50,000 transactions in offline
Built-in Diagnostics
Allows testing of LED indicators, LCD display, read head, inputs,
relay, network communications, keypad and database size.
System Compatibility
The reader can be used with AC2000 or webEntry access
control systems.
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