TV-IP512P ProView PoE Internet Camera
Snapshot Preferences
The Trigger menu is used to determine when and how
recorded digital images from snapshots are handled. Use
motion detection to trigger a snapshot and email it to the
account configured here. Alternatively, the images can be
sent to an FTP server. Configure FTP Server and email
address information, and click to checkmark either or both
options to use.
Snapshot scheduling includes three options, snapshots
can be:
• Event Based Images are created based on
triggering events (motion detection and digital
input signal via I/O terminal).
• Continuous (FTP only) Images are created at set
intervals and sent to an FTP server. The intervals
determine how often the snapshots are made and
are configured in the FTP Server setup menu.
• Scheduled (FTP only) Images are created based
on a set schedule. Use the schedule provided to
determine the time periods when images are
configured and sent to an FTP server. This also
requires an Interval setting to set the time period
between snapshots.
Snapshot Trigger menu