- System Setting: In this field, you can configure the
basic information of your camera.
• Camera Name: This field is used to enter a
descriptive name for the device. The default setting
for the Camera Server Name is CS-xxxxxx, where
xxxxxx is the last six digit of the MAC Address. The
maximum length is 32 (printable ASCII).
• Location: This field is used to enter a descriptive
name for the location used by the camera (optional).
• Admin: This field is used to enter the administrator
name along with the password to access the System
Administration settings. Be sure to enter the password
twice to confirm the details once in the Admin
Password field and again in the Confirm Password
The default setting for administrator is “admin”, and
the administrator name is limited a maximum length of
12 (printable ASCII) characters and enter the
administrator password with a maximum length of 8
(printable ASCII) characters.