Wireless Access Point User Guide
get overRidetxpower Display Tx power override
get operationMode Display Operation Mode
get power Display Transmit Power Setting
get quietAckCtsAllow Display if Ack/Cts frames are allowed during quiet period
get quietDuration Display Duration of quiet period
get quietOffset Display Offset of quiet period into the beacon period
get radiusname Display RADIUS server name or IP address
get radiusport Display RADIUS port number
get rate Display Data Rate
get remoteAp Display Remote Ap's Mac Address
get hwtxretries Display HW Transmit Retry Limit
get swtxretries Display SW Transmit Retry Limit
get rtsthreshold Display RTS/CTS Threshold
get shortpreamble Display Short Preamble Usage
get shortslottime Display Short Slot Time Usage
get sntpserver Display SNTP/NTP Server IP Address
get softwareretry Display Software Retry
get spurImmunityLvl Display ANI Parameter for Spur Immunity Level
get ssid Display Service Set ID
get ssidsuppress Display SSID Suppress Mode
get station Display Station Status
get SuperG Display SuperG Feature Status
get systemname Display Access Point System Name
get telnet Display Telnet Mode
get timeout Display Telnet Timeout
get tzone Display Time Zone Setting
get updateparam Display Vendor Default Firmware Update Params
get uptime Display UpTime