• The trim buttons will adjust each control in a small increment with each ‘click.’ Press the trim
button as many times as is required until the model holds a steady hover with little or no
correction required.
• The DR-1 features an automatic rudder trimming feature. Simply land the helicopter and allow it
to sit still for three or more seconds. The DR-1 will automatically re-center the rudder control.
As you adjust each trim, the transmitter’s LCD will show you the trim position as a
numeric value. There are 25 trim steps in each direction for Rudder, Elevator, and Aileron.
When your model is trimmed for stable flight, the trim display may not indicate that the neutral
setting is zero. This is normal.
Flying Tips
• The helicopter is sensitive to air currents in the room and turbulence that is created when the
helicopter is near the ground, walls, and ceilings.
• Avoid air vents, air conditioners, room fans, and other devices that circulate air, as they may
affect your model and cause unpredictable movements.
• As the helicopter nears a ceiling or wall, it will be drawn to the surface and pilot correction will
be required. Stay 2-3 feet away from ceilings and walls to avoid this.
• Avoid obstacles such as ceiling fans and fire sprinkler heads.
• Remember that the model flies forward, reverse, left, and right relative to its position, not relative
to your position. This is important to remember when the helicoptor is flying towards you.
A rapid landing is much gentler on the helicopter than striking a wall or another object
that stalls the rotor blades.
If you do crash your model, immediately pull the throttle stick to the full down position to
stop the rotor blades from spinning. Failure to do so may result in damage to the model.
Do not approach the model until the rotor blades have stopped completely. Hold the throttle
stick in the down position (throttle off) before picking up the model. Turn the model off and
unplug the battery before inspecting it for damage.
Be prepared for altitude changes as you fly
Forward/reverse and left/right movements may increase or reduce lift, causing the
helicopter to gain or lose altitude. Be prepared to react to altitude changes by adjusting the
throttle as you fly the model.
Normal and Expert Flight Modes
• The DR-1 is factory set for Normal Mode flying, and it will always power up in Normal Mode.
While fast and responsive in Normal Mode, the DR-1 has even greater performance capability
when Expert Mode is activated.
• Activate Expert Mode by pressing
down on the Elevator stick (the model
and transmitter must both be on).
• The LCD will display EXPERT and the
red LED will blink to show you are in
Expert mode.
Click the Elevator stick
to switch between Normal and
Expert mode.
Expert mode displayed
Normal mode (not displayed)