Installing and Removing Hardware
Memory module
Memory module
Your server can accommodate a maximum of three 128-MB, 256-
MB, 512-MB or 1-GB DIMMs (Dual In-line Memory Modules)
with the ECC (Error Correction Control), which operate at a sys-
tem bus clock frequency of 133 MHz.
See “Specifications” on page 216.
The memory can be expanded to a maximum of 3 GB by install-
ing additional memory modules with up to two different
The memory controller is conformable to the SDRAM.
When installing additional memory modules, start from slot 1 first,
slot 2 second, and slot 3 last.
When installing memory modules with different capacities, insert
them in slots 1 to 3 in order of increasing capacity,i.e. the memory
module with the smallest capacity in the slot 1.
Unit : MB
Slot1 Slot2 Slot3 Total
1024 1024 1024 3072
512 1024 1024 2560
256 1024 1024 2304
128 1024 1024 2176
512 512 1024 2048
1024 1024 2048
512 512 512 1536
256 256 1024 1536
512 1024 1536
256 512 512 1280
128 128 1024 1280
256 1024 1280