2-18 Coni’Tguratim Mmuai
I&all asks the following questions when your phone system manufbctnrer or PBX nmciel number
isnotlistedillqmstion Ia.
- -
Enter the sequence of events when transferring a call
prior to dialing the destination extension.
For example, if you ‘Ylash,” wait for dial tone, then c%al the extension, type FE. (If the phone
hookwitch is depressed xnornenta.rily, that is amidered a flash.)
Enter the sequence of events
done to reconnect to the original
caller. This is usually similar to
the previous answer. For
example, if FE is done to
transfer, aK r (flash)is probably used to
Tjpe the digi% if any, required to complete a transfer. If there are non% press -1.
Ringback is the smnd you hmr in the receiver when the phone you are calling is ringing.
Standard ringback is one ring alternating with silence. Double-intempted
is two short
rings and then silence.
At this pint, INSTALL continues with question lb, Company Name.