Copyright © 2004 TOSHIBA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
Important Safety Precautions for Split Cabinet Feature
(Model 57HX94 only)
Toshiba TV model 57HX94 has a split cabinet feature that allows
disassembly of the cabinet into two sections during installation.
For details, please refer to the insert titled “Disassembly/
Reassembly Instructions for Split Cabinet Feature” that
accompanied this owner’s manual in the accessory pack. If you
do not have the insert, you can download a copy of it from our
Web site (www.toshiba.com/tacp in the U.S.A.). If you do not
have access to the Internet, call 1-800-631-3811 to have a copy
of the insert mailed to you.
WARNING: If you split the cabinet for any
purpose, NEVER energize the bottom section
until it is completely and properly installed.
Energizing the disassembled bottom section and
subjecting it to intentional misuse (for example, exposing it to
a foreign object) creates the potential for an electrical shock
hazard that could result in death or serious injury.
CAUTION: If you use the split cabinet feature, ALWAYS handle
and treat the top section of the TV cabinet, which contains a
glass mirror, with great care. If subjected to excessive
mechanical abuse (for example, if bumped or dropped), the
mirror may break, creating exposed glass fragments with sharp
edges. Contact with these glass fragments may result in injury.
Installation, Care, and Service
CAUTION: The split cabinet feature allows disassembly of the
cabinet into two sections during installation. If you use the split
cabinet feature, follow these precautions while the two sections
of the TV cabinet are disassembled:
1) Always handle and treat the top section of the TV cabinet (with
the viewing screen), which contains a glass mirror, with great
care. If subjected to excessive mechanical abuse (for example, if
bumped or dropped), the mirror may break, creating exposed
glass fragments with sharp edges. Contact with these glass
fragments may result in injury.
2) Never temporarily locate the disassembled bottom section in an
area where it may be exposed to foreign objects or abuse (for
example, areas where children may be playing, where items may
fall on top of the unit, or where liquids may spill into the unit).
Failure to follow this instruction may result in damage to the
optic components of the TV. SUCH DAMAGE IS NOT COVERED
3) Always keep the top and bottom sections of the TV cabinet in an
upright position while disassembled. Failure to follow this
instruction may result in damage to the TV, including but not
limited to the optic components, cabinet, bezel, and glass mirror.
4) WARNING: Never energize the bottom section
of the TV cabinet while disassembled. Failure
to follow this instruction could result in death
or serious injury.
5) Never place anything on top of the bottom section of the TV
cabinet. Failure to follow this instruction may result in damage to
the optic components. SUCH DAMAGE IS NOT COVERED
6) Never store or transport the unit while it is disassembled. Failure
to follow this instruction may result in damage to the TV,
including but not limited to the optic components, cabinet,
bezel, and glass mirror. SUCH DAMAGE IS NOT COVERED
Important Safety Information ............................................. 2-5
Chapter 1: Introduction .......................................................... 7
Welcome to Toshiba ........................................................... 7
Features of your new TV .................................................... 7
Overview of steps for installing, setting up, and
using your new TV ...................................................... 8
Chapter 2: Connecting your TV ............................................ 9
TV front panel controls and connections............................ 9
TV back panel connections ................................................ 10
Overview of cable types ...................................................... 11
About the connection illustrations ...................................... 12
Connecting a digital CableCARD
.................................... 12
Connecting a VCR and antenna or Cable TV
(no Cable box) ............................................................... 13
Connecting a camcorder..................................................... 13
Connecting a VCR and Cable box ..................................... 14
Connecting a VCR and satellite receiver ............................. 15
Connecting a DVD player with S-video, a VCR,
and a Cable box.............................................................. 16
Connecting a DVD player with ColorStream
(component video) and a VCR ....................................... 17
Connecting two VCRs ....................................................... 18
Connecting an HDMI
or a DVI device to the
HDMI input .................................................................. 19
Connecting a digital audio system ...................................... 20
Connecting an analog audio system .................................... 20
Controlling infrared remote-controlled devices
through the TV (IR pass-through) .................................. 21
Connecting IEEE-1394 video devices................................. 22
connection ........................................................ 25
Chapter 3: Using the remote control ................................. 26
Learning about the remote control ..................................... 26
Installing the remote control batteries................................. 27
Using the remote control MODE button to control
your other devices........................................................... 27
Remote Control functional key chart ................................. 28
Programming the remote control to operate
your other devices........................................................... 30
Multi-brand remote control device codes............................ 32
Chapter 4: Menu layout and navigation ........................... 34
Main menu layout .............................................................. 34
Setup/Installation menu layout ........................................... 35
Navigating the menu system ............................................... 35
(Continued on next page)
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