
Users Manual TOPAS900 Flash V2.1
HWU Elektronik Oberhausen Page 13
Figure 4 : TMP95FY64 Schematic Block Diagram
3.2.2. 512 kb Flash ROM - Toshiba TC58F400 (90 ns)
This memory component is soldered on the bottom side of the PCB. It has a size of 512
kb. The chip can contain any software and data that fit into 512 kb. On delivery it contains
the IAR ROM monitor.
The device can be addressed in 8 bit (byte) or 16 bit (word) organization. In case of the
present starter kit it is wired by an 8-bit data bus. The disadvantage of lower operating
speed is equalized by the gain of 8 port pins that are free for application purposes.
The external flash ROM is addressed by 19 address lines A0..18. The data lines are
D0..D7 and the chip is selected by /CS2 pin of the MCU. The type of operation is selected
by the /WR and /RD line accordingly. The /BYTE input is fixed to low level so that the
byte mode is activated.